h4ziroshi - 2008-09-01 22:44:08


"1.Go to My Documents Create A NEw Folder Called GRID
2.Go to My Documents\Codmasters
3.Copy The GRID Folder Into The NEw Grid Folder IN Documents.(Complet Folder)
4.Once You Copied It TO THe New Folder. Delete The GRID Folder in Documents\Codmasters
5.Start The Game Making Sure There is No GRID Folder in Documents\Codmasters
6.MAke a New Profile, Auto Save, Create a Online User Acount. Save Game Once More.
7.Exit Game.
8.Go to My Documents\Codmasters\Grid\savegame\autos ave0
9.Copy The File LKICVPKUMKO and replace it with the old LKICVPKUMKO IN the GRID FOlder You Created.
10.Delete The GRID Folder in Documents\Codmasters And Replace it With The GRID Folder You Created
11.Restart Game, Multiplayer IF done Corectly it should Ask to log in as Existing User or New user.
12.Once Loged in log out and save Game."

Chyba wszystko jasne, a jeżeli nie to:
Wejdź w "moje dokumenty/Codemasters" zmień nazwę folderu "GRID" na inną np. "1GRID"
Uruchom grę, utwórz konto multiplayer, wyłącz grę.
Z nowo utworzonego folderu GRID skopiuj plik o nazwie "LKICVPKUMKO" z katalogu "savegame\Autosave0" zastępując plik ze starego folderu "1GRID"
Skasuj nowy folder "GRID", zmień nazwę folderu "1GRID" na "GRID"

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